Re: Couple of items
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Re: Couple of items

This message is sent by nhp@xxxxxxxxx (Nick Hall-Patch)
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

>3) I have been thinking of how to get some money back from the list.
>   You know... this is quite an expensive to sponsor this list because
>   I have to pay a lot about my connection to T1 and Internet. We talked
>   about having a fee to subscribe Hard-Core-DX but it is rather
>   difficult to implement. But what about another solution: commercials
>   on the list? That would mean that some advertizers could use the
>   list and tell about their products to you. Those could be receiver
>   manufactures or anything else close to our hobby. Of course that
>   wouldn't mean big flood but some advertisments every now and then.

Another view from Canada's west coast:

Advertising is also information; if it becomes intrusive and/or irritating,
then the individual can reject the medium in many cases.  (There's no law
that says you must watch commercial television for example).

If advertising can help keep the list going, then I don't see why not. 

Best regards,  Nick Hall-Patch
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